Tag Archive Iowa Early Learning Standards


How Does Your Child Approach Infant/Toddler or Preschool Benchmarks to Be Ready for Kindergarten?

Free play and fun is essential to every early childhood program. Our enjoy free play as well as their independence in progressive learning.

The Iowa Early Learning Standards, 3rd edition published on July 17, 2018 guides observant teachers to adequately assist infants through preschool age children in school and life readiness, “Adults pay close attention to each child’s individual and social needs, and then adjust situations so that each child is successful in his or her own way. These practices serve as the foundation for the Iowa Early Learning Standards” (Iowa Early Learning Standards, pg. 14; https://educateiowa.gov/sites/files/ed/documents/IowaEarlyLearningStandards-3rdEdition.pdf). , President David Arens of Early Childhood Iowa State Board and President Brooke Axiotis of Iowa State Board of Education wrote, “these standards [Iowa Early Learning Standards, 3rd edition] are aligned with the Iowa CORE standards for the end of kindergarten to support the transition from early childhood into preschool – grade 12 education.” At Trepson Montessori Preschool, we utilize the Iowa Early Learning Standards; and we send written observations and photos/videos to parents daily about their children’s development. In our semester term teacher-parent conferences, we have an opportunity to discuss how children are progressing towards school readiness and to be a successful-balanced person in society.

Missed opportunities to help children before age 3 make it more challenging for children to break habits or capitalize on learning, but programs with experienced and qualified teachers can still work with families to make a powerful impact that will matter in your child’s life. In the Montessori method, we know the first major opportunity to make substantial life habits is between ages 0-3 and the secondary sensitive period is when children are between 3 and 6 years old. That is why starting early in useful approaches to learning is essential.

As Trepson grows, nurturing children to form life habits and capitalize on learning will always be one of our main priorities regardless of the curriculum or method we use for a program. Our parents are our partners for every child’s progressive success.


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